Kate MacLeod

Kate MacLeod

Kate MacLeod vive en Minneapolis, Minnesota, con su esposo y sus dos hijos, aunque es posible que se dirijan más al norte pronto, ya que los inviernos en Minnesota ya no se enfrían lo suficiente. Ella tiene dos perros, Mugen y Tachikoma, y ​​un gato llamado Spike Spiegel. Su ficción corta ha aparecido en Analog, Strange Horizons, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, y Abyss and Apex entre otros. Descubra más sobre el autor en www.katemacleodwrites.com. Kate MacLeod lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband and two sons, although they may head further north soon, as the winters in Minnesota just don’t get cold enough anymore. She has two dogs, Mugen and Tachikoma, and a cat named Spike Spiegel. Her short fiction has appeared in Analog, Strange Horizons, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, and Abyss and Apex among others. Find out more about the author at www.katemacleodwrites.com.
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